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About Us

The Leon Valley Historical Society began as the Leon Valley Pageant Association in 1973 to commemorate Leon Valley's early history with a Stagecoach Days Parade and other events. Over the years the organization evolved to focus on the history of our community and surrounding areas in northwest Bexar County. The name "Leon Valley Historical Society" is an assumed name, certified by the State of Texas.


In collaboration with the City of Leon Valley, we created a natural area park out of a 36-acre parcel of land adjacent to the Homestead, which was formerly part of the original Homestead property.  With primitive trails to view plants, birds and other wildlife, and serving as an outdoor classroom, the Huebner-Onion Natural Area is a green oasis in the middle of an urban landscape.


In collaboration with the Leon Valley Public Library, The Society has amassed a local  history collection housed in the Kenneth & Esther Alley Historical Collection at the library.


Currently we are investigating and restoring the Huebner-Onion Homestead and Stagecoach Stop, a two story structure along Bandera road that dates to the 1850s, listed in the National Register of Historic Places and a Texas Historic Landmark.


To learn more, including how to join or help, click on the About Us drop down tab above.

Timeline of the Huebner-Onion Homestead and Stagecoach Stop

1852: Joseph Huebner (for whom Huebner Creek and Huebner Road are named) emigrates to San Antonio from Austria with his family. A jeweler by trade, he also establishes a livery stable, and is active with the German community in San Antonio. 1858: Huebner acquires 800 acres in Leon Valley, begins building the homestead and stagecoach stop, and starts his horse farm, raising horses for the U.S. Army. 1862: Huebner completes construction of the homestead. 1870s: A German-style stack-stone barn is erected. 1920: Huebner family sells the property. 1920-1930: Other owners, including the Salazar family, occupy the homestead. 1930-1983: Bexar County District Judge John Onion and family (wife Harriet and twin sons, James and John) own and occupy the homestead building and surrounding acreage. James and John help incorporate the City of Leon Valley in 1952. Both become distinguished Texas judges. Harriet is a beloved teacher in the Northside Independent School District. 1983-2000: after the death of Harriet the homestead is abandoned, vandalized, and damaged by fire. 2000: Leon Valley citizens organize, with 1,200 signatures, to save the Homestead from demolition and to preserve the surrounding 36 acres. InTown Suites purchases all 39 acres from the Onion family; keeps 3 acres for the InTown Suites, sells 36 acres to the City, and donates 0.6 acres to the Leon Valley Historical Society, including the Homestead and barn. 2005: Leon Valley Historical Society obtains a 10-year lease from the City to establish the Leon Valley Huebner-Onion Natural Area on the 36 acres. 2005: Huebner-Onion Homestead and Stagecoach Stop is designated for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and as a Texas historic landmark. 2000-Present: Leon Valley Historical Society restores the exterior of the Homestead, cookhouse and barn, and developes a Master Plan for full restoration of Homestead. The plan includes cooperative development with the City for limited parking, restrooms, and pavilion on property adjacent to the homestead on Bandera Road frontage. We are currently fundraising to open the site as a heritage center that celebrates our complete history. Want to see how the Huebner-Onion Homestead timeline fits into the history of Texas? Visit The Texas Almanac at

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